Saturday, July 23, 2011

Biz n bodes

A few together pics, (it's hopeless trying to keep clothes on the biz...) I hesitate to write that they are finally seemingly turning a small corner in sibling tolerance ;) it's heavenly those times they engage and laugh with each other!

It's so interesting though at the end of the day- no matter what happened that day- when I see then sleeping I feel like my heart might actually explode. Sounds cliche, but that's exactly how it feels. Happiness. Pure happiness that you have these little ones to love, part of your family. In those moments when u aren't thinking about what sleep strategy u should use, or why they used to eat bananas and now don't, or how all the clothes u own are strewn about the room for the millionth time after discussing leaving clothes in drawers ;) it feels so good just to enjoy being near them, feeling needed, providing comfort- just pure unconditional love. Dang I like those moments...more please!

Our solution to bath fighting, ;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

eaddies said...

hahhahhahah how not to fight in the tub hahahhahhaahhah .....LOL,luv gmaz