Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bodes, 16 months

Bo man! You are getting so big and grown up! U smile and say "ease" everytime I try to take a pic of you. ;)

You are almost always smiling, you have started imitating what we say- my fav is the way u say "seesaw" ;) iz loves to try to get u to say words, and will go on and on ," bodes can u say, mom, airplane, tree, etc etc" and u mostly comply.;)

You love ramen noodles, and eat alot of other things too including chicken, strawberries, salad, cheese, apples, and spicy food too ,;) but just like ur big sis, no milk :( u like popsicles too'

You love blocks, and books! You love water and playing outside, u r a master climber and are determined. You love to cuddle, and eat everything!( yes sand and rocks too, can we say baby pica? :)) u love dumping things ( currently have a bag of goldfish crackers on the floor of car backseat) and love to dance!

You are still my sweet boy, and turning into the age of exploring and endless movement ;) you love to wow a crowd, breaking into a downward dog on the sidewalk in front of a crowd of people... Priceless!

Love u bodes!

Nothin cuter than a diaper wedgie,;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

eaddies said...

HE IS SO BLOND!!!!!!!! luv gmaz