Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday hum drum

Today was good.

A little playroom with bodes...

A little arts and crafts with biz...

Then the unheard of, I took a ...
Amazing. Not sure how long I was out for but long enough for iz to put all her animals to sleep, of course she wasn't at all sleepy.

Snack time brought a close second unheard of... The kids laughing together!

Bodes smelling a fall scented pinecone made us all laugh.

When the fighting started, I packed us up with our rain gear just in case and headed outside. We enjoyed 3 hours of outside time, walking, playing in sand, at the park, more walking- it was fab.

Some see sand volleyball, this mom sees giant sandbox! Even remembered the bucket and shovel this time.

Around the old town piers we saw this little guy on top- almost missed him- my penny (as my pops would say) for today. Well along with smiling toddlers together at snack time. ;)

Tomorrow is my best friend from work-barrie's- last day at work. Promised her im not going to cry!
Will miss her!

Looking forward to a few days with another best friend from ft Collins, maura, this weekend.

And Graham's home Monday!

Lots to be thankful for today.

And to close a few adorable pics of my nephew, I can't wait until OCt 22!

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Elvis's dinner from biz

Looks delicious, eh? ;)

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

The weekend!

We are falling into our routine while g is out in Hawaii (today he's going down in a little submarine to the bottom of the ocean!) and very much enjoyed the weekend. We got our new double stroller on Friday so took some walks this weekend which I enjoyed. Saturday I went to my friend Barrie's baby shower and enjoyed being with her and her friends/family. Our neighbors took the kids to the zoo, so generous! Shout out to Nancy and Viet- thank u guys!

The kids were so tired when I got back and iz went to sleep at 5pm and slept until 7:15! Well...she definitely woke up when it was still dark and tried to convince me to go downstairs - to which I replied - stop kicking me and go back to sleep! wow it worked- amazing , lol!

Today we did some errands and also went to the park. The weather is weird here, feels muggy but seems like you should wear long sleeves - then are roasting. Shouldn't complain it's much better than summer, but I'm craving the brisk fall weather that calls for a sweatshirt.

During our park trip I found this clover. I was in love with it-looked like those glasses and a nose funny mask to me.

Iz found one she liked too.

And then when I tried to get a pic of us... Iz no likey...;) lol

Yes bodie was there with us. ;) he likes to try each thing at the park- sandbox, swing, slide, seesaw, ladder- then head to the gate to signal he is ready to venture on.

We watched the trains for a bit while Iz picked up rocks and bodie looked for a good one to try to eat ( yes he's 18 months and still mouths non edibles including markers, rocks, pla-doh, - hey no sand today though -yeah!)

And then home for some more play and errands.

The first pumpkin bread of the season, with help from chef izzy and sue-chef bodie.

And then on to my art project for this trip without g. One of my new coping mechanisms along with eating and drinking, ;)

Kid pics! Love having them by the table , we spent alot of time during snacks with sentences that started , " ah look at that one! , remember when...?, ". Great way to bring back all the old good memories plus I think my kids are adorable so it makes good art for me ;)

In other news... I realized one of my bad habits. Buying random crap during grocery store trips for the kids.

Exhibit A:princess balloon

Exhibit B:cotton balls

I try to make it seem better in my head by trying to make it a teachable moment or a project. As in art project with cotton balls that only I really got into- lol. Or telling izzy she can get either a balloon or cookie but not both. Um not sure what I was thinking the lesson was there? Or putting the spongebob balloon back at the front counter because bodie was fussing and saying it was because he was whining- when really he didn't care about the balloon a bit. ;) I also had another incident if buying "squeakers" at target on Saturday. Tried to find them for a pic- evidence of true crap factor is I already can't find any of them, already lost to the toy bins. Well guess I just needed to get that out. I will say i do have trips of not buying any small toy, as im well aware of the dangers of toddlers association of store trip = new toy, but I can't say I don't double take at the tiny toys/candy bags hanging by the check out. Im a sucker.

Moving on....
preschool seems to be going well. Ms Sara says izzy is doing well.

Her folder... Appropriately labeled with a fitting picture.

Love the daily notes of what they did.

Another weekend project. City made on stroller box. Once again I was the most excited about this play opportunity. Bodes wanted to scribble on everything then eat the pens and iz followed with the scribbling- then told me to watch out and not color over the pink water at the duck pond- lol , followed by walking over the box, then yelling and fighting, lol- well we got a few minutes out of my hard work anyway

Actually I found a more practical use for the box in the Ayres-Wilhelm household- a room divider! Separate play areas- priceless!

The kids are so funny. They annoy each other to no end. But they love each other too. The best is when bodes is up first and hears her and yells "iz!" and runs to the stairs, or when they see each other after being apart and give each other a hug. Or after fighting for the same sippy cup a few minutes later izzy says "here ya go bodes! You can have it" Love love love those times!

Just heard from g- called to tell me he survived the sub trip ;) excellent! I was hoping he'd be back to join the chaos here at casa toddler mayhem. ;) love u babe! It's funny though at the end of the day I say to myself, " ah man I have to be gone all day tomorrow!" and "I should 've just really played no distractions with them more this weekend". Blogging helps because you see that you did have some good solid play times, and thats not doable all day! must mix it up for trips to the grocery store for princess balloons and cotton balls.

Definitely planning to take a sick day this week to pamper myself!

Happy end of the weekend all.

P.s did I mention I was an aunt now?;) little oli yawn. Too precious.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Welcome to the world Oli!

I'm completely in love. He's perfect. Happy birthday Oliver!

Born 9/20/11 7 lbs, 7 ounces
Congrats mel and chris!!!

Love this pic of mel and oli.

Could there be a happier daddy?

Pure perfection!!

I can't wait to meet my adorable nephew. Love you already!
Rest up mel, love u all!

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Monday, September 19, 2011

for mel

This post is for my sister...
wish i could take you to a movie and buy you a slurpee right about now!

or perhaps you'd rather enjoy a giant sandwhich? =)

or a pizza...

we sure know our food, don't we? remember when i'd come visit you in santa cruz and we'd plan our week by which places we were going to eat? oh wait...we still do that! I'll take one week in santa cruz on the beach, just me and you.....!

there is nothing better in this world than to have a sister.
A sister who is always there for you. Through thick and thin. To let you know that you aren't alone, to listen and provide comfort. To encourage, laugh with you, and to listen when you need to talk. Someone who knows when you just need to hear, "I'm sorry shell, that sounds really hard." A sister- also someone who can let you know your outfit or hairstyle does in fact look good, and to provide a steady hand when you need to reflect on not so great decisions, resulting in questions such as, "why did you let me get a body wave (read = perm)??. I am so blessed to have such a sister in my life.

As my sister is waiting (and waiting, and waiting) for the arrival of my neice or nephew, I've found myself wanting to know everything that's happening with her during this time of change. I find myself thinking, how is she feeling? is she nervous? excited? can she still bend over to pick something up? does she feel the same way i did when i was pregnant? i crave knowing details, resulting in face time calls where i ask..."pull up your shirt so i can see your belly!!, ok, just one more time before you go. now stand up so i can see what you look like ....etc. etc." it's hard to be away! I'm so thankful for technology that allows us to stay connected, and so that I can check in whenever i need my sister fix.

A few old pics....

I also find myself missing those times, just for a bit, when it was just her and I. When we had whole vacations of days full together. with coffee, beach sunning, shopping, eating, more eating, dying at crossfit class, many fun things. =)

so many great memories, great times. the bond of a sister is something I always wanted for my kids. i often wonder if a sister/brother could be as close?

thank you mel for always being there for me. a few more random pics of old times, (only 1/3 of the pics I selected are posting because blogger is annoying, sorry!)....

and then a few from very old times.... after all we've been together since day 1 (well for me anyway). (plus some support for the fact that momo will be cute as a baby, =))

i've also been thinking about how my sister must have felt with the arrival of biz and bodes (as me becoming an aunt grows closer). similar to getting married, a new addition to the family. growing pains when someone new is added to the family, a change. i think i'm wondering how i will feel? and looking back was i supportive enough, did I let her know that she always met the same to me, even when I was completely pre-occupied and crying, frazzled, at the end of my rope, or excited, busy, proud to share something new there were doing? i hope she knows. then i look at the pictures of us since biz and bodes, and I realize it's still us. you adapt. some things are hard. but you still have amazing, fun times together. they may be different, but the bond never changes. it is still there, strong and steady. knowing that even if you don't talk as much that doesn't mean that the other person doesn't care. you are still together, thick as theives, through thick and thin. realizing that at certain times in life you may be closer than others, but you will always be there for each other. supporting, loving, sharing. one of life's challenges- but once you figure it's even more wonderful.

So to wrap things up...momo- hurry up and get out here and meet your new family!


i love you mel!