Monday, September 5, 2011

It's labor day! Another weekend day...Whoohoo! It's 8:24 am and I'm still in bed- unheard of!;) the kids are downstairs with g. A rarity that mom is the last one up. This should definitely happen more often. When I opened my eyes and realized I was just about too excited to go back to sleep, lol so I'm here, resting, and "journaling" blog style.

I follow a blog I've mentioned before,
and she recently posted about a favorite day she had with her kids. For me, yesterday was not my best or favorite day. We've been going through some challenges with parenting these days. Simply- refusal to wear underwear. It's pretty extreme, like keeps her home from her friends house and outings with mom because she just doesn't want to wear them ( or anything to cover up). Yesterday I got excited when I thought we had a breakthrough of wearing shorts to go play next door. But after naptime, back to the same. I've read pages and pages online, bored my friends by brainstorming what to do, causes, etc.., bought 3 new packs of bigger exciting hello kitty/tangled underwear, boy shorts, cried to Graham, called the dr. twice, and nothin'....
This parenting thing is hard. Real hard. Especially during these times when the hard stuff can overwhelm your mind and your heart can't stop worrying, trying to figure it out, plan, retrace your moves, wonder what to do. I want a favorite day again soon. Where there isn't a fight to get out of the house, where I have calm firm reactions to little one pulling my hair, diving on my face and subsequently tangling my glasses, where I feel strong enough to face outings even with underwear fights, and there would Definitely be coffee and ice cream. ;)

This week brings new ( and possible new) beginnings. Izzy's starting preschool! ( cue deep breathing in response to current underwear crisis) I'm excited and nervous- double dipped feeling as we say. ;) Graham's off to WI. More to come hopefully on that. The weather is turning cooler- rain in the forecast. Looking forward to that. Also counting down the days until I'm an aunt!! It's been so fun following my sisters pregnancy ( alot easier than your own!;)) and can't wait to meet the little one soon. My dream a while back predicted girl, 5lbs4oz , so we will see!!;)

Now on to face the day. With adorable munchkins full or energy, smiles, along with cries and tantrums. ;) we will make it!

Couldn't have a post without a few pics of my favorite kids...

Date with bodes to the airplane park! Love you sweetie.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


eaddies said...

Oh wonderful you slept in......!!!!!!!!!!Oh bummer on the undies........can't believe noone has good advice???...That is a tough one...
So sorry.....All outings look so great in the pics.....but real life happens behind the scenes...bless your heart...I love you all....Lovehugs,Gmaz

Melanie said...

I agree with mom - great pics! Sorry about this stressor. I know you guys have a lot going on this week and I'm thinking about you! Hope everything goes well! Sending love!