Sunday, September 11, 2011

Apple picking

A few pics from our trip apple picking this morning. A beautiful warm sunny day.

First stop, animals!

Bodes was so excited to see them he ran down the hill and fell over on his way, lol. When we tried to leave they kept "baa-ing" at us. Was too funny!

Iz getting very good at finding the good ones with no worm holes/bruises!

Bodes hangin out in the wheel barrow waiting for something exciting to happen.

Bodes first apple. Pull bodes, pull. ;)

My fav- green ;)

Headed back to the farm after our basket was full. Yes my arms were burning pushing both apples and 60 + lbs of kids ;)

And yes at one point bodie fell out of the cart- he is fine!!- but pictured myself in a strong man competition pushing izzy with basket of apples and holding bodie on my hip, swear pouring down my face. Ha- ;) priceless!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Melanie said...

I love apple picking! Looks like fun :)

eaddies said...

OH HOW BEAUTIFUL!!!! Great pics......Love Iz and Bo picking apples..and seeing the animals....Hope Bodie is okay after all the falls...and YOUR ARMS AND BACK OK SHELL....
You are supermom!!!!! Thankss so much...Great pics..Love,Gmaz