Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cherry Blossoms in Madison

One of my favorite places in Madison (so far) is Olbrich Botanical Gardens, They have amazing outdoor walking trails through all sorts of trees, plants, ponds, benches, etc. etc. It is beautiful and also a good place for the little ones to run around while I enjoy the surroundings.

It is a short walk from our house, and also right along the bike path. One day when I was biking the kids to the library I spotted some blossoming cherry trees in the gardens! I was so excited and swore to myself that I would go the next day to see them up close and to take some pictures with my camera. I still have waves of missing DC, which intensified when I was seeing all the cherry blossom pictures from those who still live there! I was excited that I still could enjoy the beautiful blossoms I grew to love when we were there. Come rain or shine I told myself I would see those blossoms, and I would take pictures. The weather had been warm, and I was planning the perfect picnic outing with the kids for the following day in my head.

Unfortunately the following day the weather took a turn toward cold and windy. Cold and wind do not go together with perfect picnic outing. I was afraid though if I didn't go that day, things would always come up, and I would miss the opportunity. So off we went after izzy's morning in preschool. With both kids whinny and an old camera battery that only promised time for a few photos I hurried the kids to the cherry trees and snapped away, barely looking at what I was taking with fear that my battery would die. I absolutely loved the cherry blossoms. With a sprinkling of daffodils on the path, it was truly picturesque.

And on the way back to the car, a few pics of the kids- to confirm their disapproval of this outing. lol, these pics really make me giggle.

Mission complete. Can't wait to see them next year!

1 comment:

eaddies said...

Haha..I love your write up and the kids faces....THE CHERRY BLOSSOMS are just gorgeous!!!!! So glad you 'stuck to your plan'!!!!! Love,Maz