Sunday, May 23, 2010

iz biz 22 months old!

It's hard to believe my iz biz is 22 months old already! With the on-going realization of how fast time flies I feel urged again to try to capture everything I can in writing and with pictures so we can look back to together during times you may ask me in the future...what was I like when...?

So here we are- you are 22 months old! You are at times a crazy ball of energy!! Where does it come from?
You love playing at home, in the backyard, and at the park! You love swinging at the park and on your baby swing here at home. You love all kinds of balls, and will pick up your bat and ball and say "baseball game". lol. You throw and try to catch. You are at times adventurous at the park, and others your stand back and observe first, cautiously deciding when you will join in play. You seem to always have an eye on the swing and when it is free you bust your buns over to it for a turn. You are practicing giving turns and usually will give a turn with some reminders, saying "baby megan turn" when you are ready. You also like to pretend to swing on the rope, after watching the older kids doing it. You love to run! You love to play with your dad and have him run after you and hop over your head out at the park. You also love to put out pillows and jump into them. You recently started getting air when you try to jump from the ground...way to go biz! You can go up and down stairs, with your hand on the wall- you are such a big girl! You love to dance, and will take bun bun in your arms when a dancing song comes on and spin him around with you....too cute.

You are so smart. You know all of your ABC's and are starting to count and learn your colors. You are talking up a storm, and I laugh that you like to "narrate your life". Yesterday you said..."mom no like a cockroach". HA! You are starting to think creativly too, using a tupperware for a boat, a pot for a hat, and a little telephone as glasses. I love to see you invent and explore, you make me laugh. You are sensitive too, and are learning emotions- and will see someone crying and say "boy sad" and you give bodie your bun bun when he is crying or try to give him a hug and say "make him feel better". I love to see you grow in this way. You are starting to sing songs and remember books we read to you- reciting them later to yourself.

You are a good sleeper- through the night (unless you have a bad dream then you like to crawl in bed with mom and dad) and a good 2-3 hour nap each day. Usual you go to sleep easily, playing and talking to yourself in your crib. When I can I like to listen to you on the monitor you make me smile with your little stories. You are still a picky eater, but will try more things. You usually have cereal (love cherrios) for breakfast. You like chicken nuggets, fries, hummus and carrots, veggie soup, crackers, cheese bread, noodles, juice, pizza, hot dogs, and of course anything sweet! (fruit snacks, gummy worms and ice cream are favorites!)
You are starting to be interested in the potty- for the last 2 days have gone in your potty every time...telling me "gotta pee" and runnng up the stairs each time. I feel so proud of you. You can put your shoes and jackets on and can even do your shirt with a little help with the last arm. Your hair is long and you prefer to have it dangling in your eyes rather than in a pony tail. lol

You are also growing in your desire to be independent...and "no" is one of your favorite words currently. lol You are head strong and determined and are testing what you can do. Frustration is around you and often creeps up when you can't undo a buckle or things don't go your way. We are working on this together. What a big world you have to explore. I hope to be a good guide for you and help you when things are hard. I love you biz. I'm excited to see how you change and grow in the months and years to come.

Favorite shows-Dora and Elmo
Favorite book- My Big Girl Potty
Favorite toy- anything with Bun Bun, swinging at the park
Favorite Food- fruit snacks, ice cream
Favorite activity- "park and swing..park and swing"

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