Thursday, May 6, 2010

just the 3 of us

I've been home for maternity leave for two months and (most days =)) loving the time with my babies. I wanted to get a shot of us all....too bad I was the only one smiling, lol. Most mornings I have my coffee out in the back while iz runs around trying to convince me to play ball w/ her or draw something w/ chalk (usually sad and happy faces) and bodes sleeps in my arms. Then she watches Dora while I take a shower and bodes lounges in his chair in the bathroom with me. After we are all dressed and snacks are packed we venture outside to the park or for a walk. Awhile later we head home for lunch and then nap time! Bodes usually sleeps on me while I work, typing one handed emails, watching ellen time to time, and drinking tea with little treats if we have them. After nap biz is ready to play again and we play/prep dinner/dance to music/color, etc before heading back to the park. She loves when other kids are there, and still loves to swing. She is practicing w/ a tricycle and scooter too that they have at the park. Recently she will also copy older kids and pretend to "swing" from a rope that is tied up to a tree limb- narrating "izzy turn" when it is her time to swing. She still loves balls and her babies too. After the park we head home for dinner and daddy time. Then comes bath (biz loves bathing w/ bodes, not sure he likes it quite as much), brushing teeth, and a bit more dora, and then stories. "read stories" she says running around upstairs b/f we put her diaper and pjs on-still aball of energy. Then she turns her music on, says goodnight to things outside, and gives hugs/kisses. Chuckling when I ask her how many blankets she wants tonight, and telling bun bun to get "nice and cozy". Oh my biz how I love you. And bodes...asleep in my arms once again. Full of love and exhaustion, then we sleep...
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