Monday, May 10, 2010

my loves

This morning we stayed inside, and I love those times that feel more relaxed- no bags to pack or strollers to get in and out of...I lounge around in my pjs drinking coffee while iz comes up with creative games to play, usually with bun bun. Today she pushed him around in a tupperware "boat" and used hot glue sticks (not used obviously) to drum with, saying "drum, drum" as she went. She also played with 2 teethers she use to use, calling the big one a "daddy" and the little one a "baby". Bodes goes along with me for the ride, fussing when I put him down and smiling a huge smile when I come to pick him back up. And when iz goes to sleep for her nap (after "reading" stories to herself outlout in her crib- 5 little monkies, pajama mamas) I look around at the chaos strewn about and laugh to myself, then sit down on the couch and look at my sleeping bodie in my arms and think about how lucky I am. For all the challenging times and sleepless hours it is all so so worth it...

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